Nuova versione del libro di fisica gratuito

From: Christoph Schiller <>
Date: 7 Jan 2007 14:16:06 -0800

Ho messo sul mio sito la nuova versione di
Motion Mountain, il testo di fisica
gratuito, con ora pi� di 1390 pagine.

Il testo, in inglese, � scritto in modo
da essere interessante e sorprendente
in ogni pagina.

    Christoph Schiller

P.S. Aggiungo l'annuncio dettagliato,
in inglese:

I have put the new, twentieth edition of my freely
downloadable physics textbook in pdf form on

Over 1380 pages lead through the whole of physics, from
mechanics to relativity, electrodynamics, thermodynamics,
quantum theory, nuclear physics and unification. Many
explanations across the text have been improved, often
triggered by the input of readers across the internet.
Thank you to all of them.

The twentieth edition now contains a dozen animations
and films: generation and motion of electromagnetic waves,
leap-frogging vortex rings, jumping snakes, the propagation
of solitons and dromions, growing ice crystals,
rotating atomic orbitals, the actin-myosin system
in muscles in action, and Dirac's belt trick.

The twentieth edition also introduces robots that walk on
water, explains how to observe the polarization of light with
the unaided human eye (in the same way as honey bees do),
includes a clearer explanation of the curl of a function,
introduces dromions and the challenge to observe them in
everyday life, shows how to produce floating plasma clouds
similar to ball lighting, improves the explanation of quantum
mechanics, tells more about the Galilean satellites, tells
how to compare the density of the Moon and the Sun by looking
at the sea, mentions the world records for running backwards
and the attempts to break the speed sailing record, tells in
more detail how to learn from books with as little effort as
possible, includes thermographic images, shows a photograph
of each element, explains more clearly the generation of
electromagnetic radiation, presents the polarized car
headlight problem, and includes many new puzzles.

Enjoy the reading.

       Christoph Schiller
Received on Sun Jan 07 2007 - 23:16:06 CET

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