Re: Sulle critiche del Professor Fabri al mio articolo sulla

From: Furio Petrossi <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2022 06:14:33 -0800 (PST)

Il giorno mercoledì 5 gennaio 2022 alle 14:35:03 UTC+1 ha scritto:
> Grazie per la segnalazione. Ne approfitto per chiarire la questione una volta per tutte.

Cito alla penultima pagina

"If e < 1 (equivalent with h < 0 from relation (31)), the trajectory in plane Pi(t) is bounded. In plane Pi(t) it is an ellipse. As plane Pi(t) has a fixed point, that is the attraction center; the spatial region where the trajectory is located represents the region between two concentric spheres, one with radius p/(1+e), and one with radius p/(1-e).

In the particular case e = 0. the trajectory in plane PI(t) is a circle with its center in the attraction point and the radius p. Then the body trajectory is a spherical curve, generated by the rigid rotation of this circle with angular velocity

 Mi soffermo su "the trajectory (...) it is an ellipse". Quindi una curva chiusa, se ben intendo.
E' corretto?

Received on Wed Jan 05 2022 - 15:14:33 CET

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