Una lettura utile in MQ

From: Giovanna Velanti <giovannavelanti_at_submail.it>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 01:53:19 +0100

Mi � capitato sotto gli occhi un articolo
(in data odierna, ancora disponibile per un
download gratuito)
che mi sembra interssante per la didattica ed ho creduto
che, magari, potesse tornare utle a qualche
frequentatore di questo gruppo che fosse
ancora studente.

> Overcoming misconceptions in quantum mechanics
with the time evolution operator <

P C Garc�a Quijas and L M Ar�valo Aguilar
2007 Eur. J. Phys. 28 147-159

Ne riporto un breve passo che
ne illustra bene il contenuto

"In fact, a recent study has shown
that one of the most difficult concepts to understand is precisely the
stationary states. In
this survey, the author found some common misconceptions shared by
students at different
universities. These misconceptions have to do with the evolution of a
quantum state and the
stationary states,for example:
->An eigenstate of any operator is a stationary state<-
->An eigenstate of any operator is a stationary state<-
->If the system is in an eigenstate of anyo perator Q then it remains in the
eigenstate of Q forever
unless an external perturbation is applied<-
These misconceptions show that the concept of stationary states is very
difficult and produces
misunderstanding of quantum mechanics.

Nel mio database, lo metto accanto ad altri due
che pure potrebbero rivelarsi piacevoli incontri:

 Common misconception regarding quantum mechanics
 Am. J. Phys. January 1996
 What is a state in quantum mechanics ?
 Am. J. Phys. March 2004

questo articolo e` stato inviato via web dal servizio gratuito 
http://www.newsland.it/news segnala gli abusi ad abuse_at_newsland.it
Received on Tue Jan 16 2007 - 01:53:19 CET

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